Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Perils of Online Dating

The online dating world is not of this world. It in its entity is somewhat....well...rather interesting. The rules (if any) of the online dating world is completely different from the everyday, old fashion, way we call dating. This blog's goal is to open your method of thinking in the online world. It will have you skeptical of people and curious of the unknown--the possibilities.

In the old fashion dating world, couples decide to date, because the found an attraction within the other person that they want to get to know them. Boy ask for girls number, he talks to her on the phone some nights, and then they eventually go out on their first date. And blah blah blah blah blah........the cycle of dating has begun.

But online dating is COMPLETELY different. There isn't this "instant" first glance upon meeting and the two people coming together with a click of a mouse. It doesn't work that way. Online the person has to market themselves to the world. Not a small select group of people of a 100, but the entire world to find what ever it is that they are looking for. You have to put a photograph of yourself up alongside your resume, depending on the site certain details about yourself (eye color, hair color, income, occupation, living & transportation arrangements). It can be and is invasive. You can search for your mate of choice or have others search for you. Like going down to the meat market and selecting the best meat. The best meat for yourself, but all the other meat hanging on the line hoping that one day that they too will be picked.

Yes, technology is readily accessible and people are conveniently busy that they want to try things in a different approach, But is online dating genuine or have we created this world of dating based off of fantasy and not reality?

There's nothing wrong with having a "preference" when attacking the dating pool and for that the online dating site makes it easy to search based on what you "prefer". But are we truly searching what we really do like, or is it something that we created. What happens when the other person is not attracted to you in the online world? Is the rejection just that a rejection or is it something more in depth that we cannot shake, because it is as if what we like is a representation of everything that is out there. And that one person rejecting you is not just one person but hundreds, thousands, and even millions of people rejecting you. Hmmm.......have I gone to in depth with this?

Can the online dating world mess up ones "social" skills for reality?

Online dating is either girls or boy tries to meet one another, by email, a "wink" or what other means I site has ordained. But, what if you're attracted to an illusion. Everyone and anyone can look good on paper. And if the girl or boy responds to the pursuant's request and they start emailing each other there really a "connection" that is form.

Can one have a "connection" with someone that they have never met, but have emailed with? Or is "love at first sight" just a cliche term that people have created to appear to be more "romantic" or to have a good story to tell? So many questions.

I can thumb through tons and tons of eligible bachelors and create another person. Someone other than me. Online dating is truly date at your own risk. You loose the sense of who's crazy,  stalker, and the like. Because anyone can type the write things.

 But I don't think that my fingers can form a connection with the unknown. 

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