Saturday, December 17, 2011

Asian Men & Black Women

Hmmm........I would like to say 1st that I am a supporter of interracial dating (if that is your thing). This blog is not going to discuss why or why not..... I want to discuss something that is bothering me in regard to "Asian Men & Black Women" that I've seen online.

Of all the videos that I have watched on youtube and google images the one thing that I've seen consistent in these types of couples are that the black women do not wear their hair natural. Maybe because I have stopped chemically straightening my hair in almost 2 years that I have notice this, but.....if you are gungho about being with your Asian man (or any race in that matter), why not be black and proud ALL the way. It's like these women (ones I have seen) still are ashamed of their hair. Just makes me contemplate if they are hiding behind another image. Maybe Asian men are just in right now. Why wear the weaves/wigs that they produce because their culture says that our hair [black] is not of this world?? Just baffles me how they go into a relationship of interracial dating and still can't be black and proud (love ALL or yourself).

Yes, we are not hair, but doesn't denying our hair and not accepting its natural state, still suggest that the media is right? My mother gets on me about my "Natural" ways now, saying how I have "good" hair and how dare I talk down at others for wanting silkier/artificial (not-their-own) hair. ALL hair is beautiful. That's what is so fascinating by the black race. We can have a million shades of brown on our body and different types of curl patterns on our head. We are a unique race. :-)

I enjoy seeing black women dating outside their race. I just want them to give their partner all of themselves and not 90%. Oh...and I didn't see 1 Asian guy trying to rock an 'Afro to look like his mate.